Saturday, January 29, 2011

ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip lines!

Firstly, a small preface. Remember, I came to Quito hoping to better my spanish and hug a few orphans- not exactly traverse mountains and fly through the rain forest.
The following is true.
Today, I zip lined down 13 cables to cross a ravine in the "cloud forest" of Mindo. holy freaking crap. 13 CABLES. I wish i could do the experience justice here with words, but I know I cannot.
All 8 semester-abroaders piled into a van and drove two and a half hours to Mindo, we drove up through mountains into the cloud forest. On the way we passed through a few little towns and even saw a waterfall! crazy. After hours long, "make or break" or "would you rather" games, we embarked on what is probably the most adventurous thing I've ever done... ZIP LINING.
We geared up (possibly contracting lice from the helmets... sorry mom) and were good to go. And just like that, we hopped up and zipped through the cloud forest.... Of course not, I sustained a few battle scars and probably will never do that again.
exhibit A:

Frightening, right? You hook yourself up there, with the help of the guia (guide) and zooooom to the next post. The steady rain complicated things a bit. I couldn't see at all when coming into the next stop.

Exhibit B:

This is what happened when I couldn't stop... my leg and the break line made contact. I did like those jeans, but at least I got to keep my leg.

So that's zip lining. Que Chevre! (how cool!) Oh! i should also mention the free spa treatment  I also got today... in between each post was a good walk up the mountain. It was raining steadily, and by the end my legs (and brand new nikes... again, sorry mom.) were totally brown with mud. Sweet. mountain climbing, spa treatments, new, cool and hip ripped jeans... oh adventure.

hasta luego!


  1. ummmmm jealous!!! i want to go on a 13 cord zip line! how fun!!!

  2. Hi Liz,

    I am amazed you zip-lined. Perhaps I MIGHT even do that some day - MAYBE. I personally enjoy hammocks and spas - the spa treatment sounds delightful. I have been to the plaza near your apartment. Today I think you begin your homestay. Lord, I pray Liz experience home in Quito wherever she may rest her head and your joy and peace surround her. Via con Dios! By His Grace, Rose

  3. Rose, we won't start homestays for two week or so, but I so appreciate the prayers! As for ziplines, you would love it- what a rush!!!
